...a special guest appearance from my very own sister, June! And if ever there was a PERFECT person to act as the greeter to our 12 Nights of Halloween extravaganza, it is her. She's a horror nut-- voracious reader and movie goer, and I have the photos of her children dressed up as zombies to prove it. Without further adieu, I leave you in the capable hands of today's crypt mistress...
Cue the steel grey skies and the cold blowing winds! Leaves are beginning to turn schizophrenic with their color change. The grass is slowing its reach to the pale sun and our fowl friends are making a mass exodus south. Seems like the time to go inside, hunker down, and become anti-social.
Nay I say!
Though there are considerable amount of folks who would gladly trade a crisp, cool fall day for 90 degrees of sweat-inducing, tropical storm-forming, heat wave, there are, strangely enough, quite a few of us (us being the cool kids) that soak up the leaf-burning smells. The wind that blows just the right way to give goose-bumps. The time of year when the darkness falls a little earlier with each passing day.
We are the children of the fall, or more specifically, the children of Halloween. We do not hide this fact, nor do we pretend to not get excited by the aroma of warmed cider, the feel of a large firm pumpkin, or all of the horrendously horrific movies that thrash their way into our hearts and theaters this time of year.
We revel in the ghoulish pranks we have been planning for 11 months. We tremble with delight at the idea of becoming something we are not. Halloween, in other words, represents the culmination of our fantasy-life’s work. And as a bonus, those of us who take the fall season and Halloween seriously, can rest assured that our dastardly deeds will prevail and continue on throughout the Halloween seasons to come!
Grease paint and fake blood. Haunted houses and EVPs. Screw the candy; we want shadow people and ladies in white. We want bumps in the night and strange noises coming from our darkened basements. We want to believe that everything is not what it seems. And what better time of the year to experience the unknown than Halloween!
So, to all my lovely witches and ghouls, monsters and freaks, I wish many happy and grotesque returns to the season we have all fallen in love with.
Best regards and eviscerations,
June Lillie
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